Announcement Detail

Browse Titan Closet inventory virtually

With the change of weather and the holidays approaching, the Titan Closet is anticipating your needs! We have prepared two PDF files with some of the items we have in the store to enable virtual browsing:
We have limited quantities of these items with the store being closed to foot traffic. If you are interested in any of these items or are wondering if we have a certain type of item, please email Wendy Williams at wendywilliams@trinityes.orgAfter receiving your email your request will be filled in the order of receipt. You will be informed about out of stock items and other options will be provided. When the order is complete arrangements will be made for pick-up. Items may be exchanged or returned. 
The Titan Closet is also open at least one “A day” and one “B day” a week for students to stop by at lunch. The Closet door is open with a table in the opening. Students may ask to see certain items and purchase them at that time. Looking at the list before visiting at lunch can help narrow down their requests. If there is an item they are interested in that is not on the list please ask.