College Counseling

Finding the Right Fit

Our goal is for students to find the best school for them - a place where they continue to follow their paths, flourish and further develop their unique talents.
College Counseling is a highly individualized experience involving both students and parents discussing their goals, educational objectives and aspirations. The goal of the College Counseling program is for students to find the best college or university for them — a place where they continue to follow their paths, flourish and further develop their unique talents. Throughout the College Counseling process, students and their parents learn how to make the best possible college decisions based upon individual student needs, available resources and current information.
Personal attention, experience and knowledge are hallmarks of the college search experience at Trinity. College Counselors guide students through the early stages of self-exploration and informal discussions to comprehensive college search activities. The culmination of this effort is acceptance and eventual selection of a college or university that is a good match. By providing the best possible information and advice to students, College Counselors ensure that they will matriculate to a college or university ideally suited to their needs.
Although Trinity graduates have attended a wide variety of schools including the most selective colleges and universities in the nation, and schools both near and far away, Trinity's goal is to match the student’s demonstrated achievement and past performance to a variety of colleges or universities that satisfy their criteria. In addition to enjoying an excellent reputation among college admission officers nationwide, Trinity's graduates are consistently recognized as highly competitive, deliberate in their college choices, and exceptionally well-prepared for success at the highest educational level.

On the Path to College, A Yearly Glimpse of Activities

List of 4 items.

  • 9th Grade

    In the 9th grade, students make a healthy transition from middle school to high school, focusing on sound study practices and establishing a good academic start. College Counselors visit with students throughout the year to provide information about types of colleges, the importance of grades and student involvement and types of careers that will require further education and specialized training.

    All 9th grade students take the PSAT to identify academic strengths and weakness and to prepare for future standardized testing. Each student is assigned to a faculty member as part of Trinity’s Advisory Program. This Program allows for advisors to guide their students both academically and personally. Course schedules are created to meet the individual student’s needs and move them to the next level of instruction.

    Freshman students are encouraged to explore clubs, organizations, community service opportunities and/or athletic programs at Trinity or within the larger community.
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  • 10th Grade

    During the 10th grade students should strive to achieve and succeed. Enrolling in challenging courses and earning strong grades will be important in the college admissions process. By taking rigorous courses and achieving success, a student demonstrates progression and academic maturity.
    In the 10th grade, Trinity students take the PSAT for a second time. These tests are a help to students as they practice for the SATs and pinpoint areas where improvement can be made. Students are encouraged to develop strong study habits, exercise good judgement, explore interests and identify strengths. During the sophomore year, students may begin to visit colleges and differentiate between the types of institutions and degrees, and understand the connection between good grades and college acceptance. Students are encouraged to investigate ways to build upon their strengths as they pursue academic and extracurricular interests.
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  • 11th Grade

    The junior year is a very important academic year to establish college readiness and a strong potential for college success. Continued academic rigor is as important as demonstrated achievement in a variety of preparatory classes. In the 11th grade, students are encouraged to take as many upper-level, AP and IB course as possible and perform well. These two go hand-in-hand, as a demonstration of a strong work ethic and higher ability.
    The PSAT is given to juniors for the final time to complete the student’s preliminary preparation for the SAT and ACT,; standardized college entrance exams. College visits should be made, online college searches are conducted and registrations are completed for several standardized college entrance exams including the SAT, ACT and Subject Tests. Students enrolled in IB/AP courses take appropriate exams.
    In the fall of the junior year, 11th grade student and their parents attend the College Kick Off program and begin serious discernment about their college choices. Individual college counseling sessions are conducted by a Trinity College Counselor to discuss their transcript, senior schedule, college prospects and the college application process. Students prepare for their summer internship and Junior Work Week and schedule additional college visits. Service academy candidates should begin the process of applying for a nomination, and potential college athletes register for the NCAA Clearinghouse. Attendance at the Richmond Area College Fair and individual visits with the college representatives are strongly encouraged. Students should complete a resume and begin considering which teachers will be asked to write letters of recommendation. Additional college information and programs are scheduled for 11th and 12th grade students throughout the year.
    Between the 11th and 12th grade, students should seek leadership opportunities, academic enrichment programs, college exploration events and community service. This is the time to work on your high school activity sheet and biographical information. These should be turned into your college counselor when you return to school in the fall. Summer is a great time to attend the Essay Writing Workshop, practice your writing skills and prepare for a final SAT or ACT test in the fall.
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  • 12th Grade

    The senior year involves final preparation for college selection, exploration, applications and eventual decision making. Further academic preparation and strong academic achievement in challenging courses will increase a student’s college choices. In August, seniors and their parents are invited to attend the Senior Pathway to Success program and learn how to finish strong, accept important leadership roles and prepare for a new transition to college.
    At the beginning of the year, students should meet with their college counselor to verify their transcript, learn about the college application process and finalize a college list. Early requests for teacher letters of recommendation and early applications to college are strongly encouraged. Attendance at the fall college counseling programs, and discerning college visits will help students make wise college choices. Likewise, students and parents are encouraged to attend the Financial Aid Seminar, attend college sponsored open house events and refine their college application materials, resume, essays and applications.
    Deadlines are critical and organization is a key to success. Students should work closely with their college counselor throughout the year, seeking advice and counsel to make a wise college decision. Advise your counselor of results. Write letters to other colleges to withdraw applications if appropriate, maintain good grades and don’t do anything that would jeopardize all that you have worked so hard to achieve.
    Finally, remember the people who have helped you along the way. Send thank you notes to teachers, especially those who wrote letters of recommendation. Finish strong and then…GRADUATION!
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College Counseling Staff

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Stephanie Hiedemann

    Stephanie Hiedemann 86

    College Counselor
  • Philomena Hughes 

    College Counseling Coordinator
  • Photo of Olivia McGuckin

    Olivia McGuckin 

    Director of College Counseling
    (804) 327-3159