-Quiet study days today on campus--please be respectful and quiet -Congratulations to Grace Marcus (student) & Amelia Werkheiser (student) & Ruby Mills (student) & Ms. Behrens (faculty) for winning the Titan Snowman Light-Guessing Contest -Classes 3 & 7 are the final Senior Projects in the Commons -See Ms. Schriber to attend the January 11 Richmond Forum program -Anyone interested in attending the VCIC Diversity Dialogue Day in January please see Mr. Dowell or anyone on the DEI advisory -No JV practices tomorrow and Thursday and varsity practices are only one hour -D&D potluck tomorrow in D-5--bring a dish to share
Meetings at Discovery: Battle of the Brains in S-2 TESPN in Speight Alumni Room
Athletics: Indoor track and field at Boo Williams Sportsplex at 3:00 pm (12:30 pm dismissal) JV blue boys basketball home v. Central Virginia Homeschool at 4:30 pm Swim and Dive in the Trinity Holiday Invite at SwimRVA at 6:00 pm
Friday: Girls varsity v. Steward (5:00 pm) and Boys varsity v. Matoaca HS (8:00 pm) basketball teams in the Coaches for Change at Henrico Sports Center
Saturday: Swim & Dive in the Hanover Hawk Invite at Swim RVA at 6:00 pm JV green boys v. Huguenot HS at Guardian Christian at 9:30 am Coaches for Change continues with times TBD (girls varsity and boys varsity basketball)
“As someone who wants to pursue a career in STEM, being able to have the opportunity to meet another woman who has made an impressive career for herself in STEM, is an inspiration for me,” said Madison Jewett ‘26