-Come out to see alum Morgan Williams (2019) at Discovery in Speight Alumni Room -IB Senior lunch today at lunchtime in Speight Alumni Room -Senior Projects continue today in the Commons -Wreaths Across America takes place tomorrow-sign up if interested -Students please complete the VAIS survey (from Mr. Short) if you have not already--in your email from Mr. Short -Exams are next Thursday and Friday--this weekend is time to get organized and study -Christmas attire next week -See Ms. Chinworth if interested in participating in Robotics this season -Boys indoor soccer practice Sunday from 4:00-6:00 pm -Auditions for the spring musical today at 3:30 pm and anyone who missed yesterday's winter play auditions please see Mr. Phillips -Christmas Quiz Bowl is next week--get excited!
Meetings at Discovery: Alum Speaker Series: Morgan Williams Class of 2019 in Speight Alumni Room
Athletics: Varsity girls basketball v. CVHSA in the Travis Tournament at 5:30 pm Varsity boys basketball v. Banner Christian in the Travis Tournament at 7:15 am *Tournament continues Saturday Saturday: Indoor track at J.R. Tucker Invitational at 10:00 am
T.I.T.A.N.S. in Action (Trustworthy, Intentional, Tough, Altruistic, Neighborly, Sincere): Mr. Pankey Josh Aminzia Catherine Drummond Alexa Murphy Solomon Crewe Mr. Benson Geri Abbate Layna Fastige
Happy Birthday! Mary Grayson & Ms. Darlington & Mr. Seetin
“As someone who wants to pursue a career in STEM, being able to have the opportunity to meet another woman who has made an impressive career for herself in STEM, is an inspiration for me,” said Madison Jewett ‘26