-Welcome to our visitors today! -Tomorrow is the Winter Fine Arts Arts Festival beginning after school and running through the Grand Illumination -- everyone come out and celebrate the holidays -Exams are Dec. 19 & 20--see website for schedule -This Friday Alum Morgan Williams (class of 2019) is speaking at Discovery in Speight Alumni Room about her journey at Trinity, UNC, in graduate school, and her work in supporting adolescent mental health and well-being--everyone welcome -Today is the last day to enter the lottery for the Richmond Forum Perkinson Patron tickets--enter for a chance to win -Lacrosse open field from 3:30-5:00 pm on the turf field -Junior Work Week tutorial in M-4--check email -BAI members interested in the trip to D.C. please see officers -Auditions this Thursday and Friday for the winter and spring plays & interest meeting today at 1:00 pm
Meetings at Discovery: TESPN in Speight Alumni Room Yoga & Meditation Holiday card carking for St. Francis in the Art Room Battle of the Brains in S-2 Natural Forensics in S-5 Motorsports club in the Fishbowl Book club in D-3
Athletics: JV green boys basketball at Catholic HS at 4:00 pm (12:30 pm dismissal) Varsity boys at Catholic HS at 5:30 pm (12:30 pm dismissal) JV blue boys basketball at Atlee HS at 4:30 pm (2:45 pm dismissal) Varsity girls basketball at Miller School at 6:00 pm
Happy Birthday! Jackson Taylor & Lucia Vanderpoel & Henry Jaskowiak
“As someone who wants to pursue a career in STEM, being able to have the opportunity to meet another woman who has made an impressive career for herself in STEM, is an inspiration for me,” said Madison Jewett ‘26