-Chapel: St. Michael's Chorus with Holiday Music -Winter Fine Arts Festival + Concert + Grand Illumination Wednesday, Dec. 11 beginning at 3:00 pm -Library closed this week for the Art Show -Students please complete the VAIS survey this week -Congratulations to girls varsity basketball on their runner-up finish in the Flint Hill Tournament -Congratulations to varsity basketball on their two victories and bracket championship in the Sleep Thompson Tournament -Congratulations to Coach Adam Lonon on his engagement -Senior Projects continue this week during classes 3 & 7 in the Commons -Make sure to enter the lottery for Christmas Quiz Bowl--enter outside of E-4 or email briangriffen@trinityes.org -Seniors send senior portraits to yearbook@trinityes.org -Orchestra rehearsal today from 3:30-4:15 pm -Junior Work Week required tutorial tomorrow for anyone missing their assignments-check email & assignment #6 due at the end of today for all juniors -See Mr. Burston to assist with admission tours -Jazz Ensemble tonight at 6:30 pm -Music practice room open this week - make sure to sign up and respect the space -Christmas card event this week in the art room during Discovery
“As someone who wants to pursue a career in STEM, being able to have the opportunity to meet another woman who has made an impressive career for herself in STEM, is an inspiration for me,” said Madison Jewett ‘26