-Christmas QuizBowl is coming so enter the lottery to participate by putting your name in the box outside of E4 or email briangriffen@trinityes.org -Honoring Dia de Velitas-Columbian holiday known as Candle Day Dec. 7th & 8th -Sunday Open Studio from 3:00-5:00 pm for all current art students -Congratulations to Jack Brotherton on his wrestling performance -10th & 11th graders can apply to the summer Governor's Academy programs--see Ms. McGuckin -Holiday card making event next week on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday in the art room for the residents of St. Francis--come out at Discovery -Senior Projects continue today in the Commons -Admission testing tomorrow in the Science Building -Congratulations to boys indoor soccer on their victories -Next Friday alum Morgan Williams (class of 2019) will be speaking at Discovery in Speight Alumni Room about her journey at Trinity and her pursuit of a counseling degree and mental health
Meetings at Discovery: Tritones in the band room STAR tour guides in the Goodman Room
Athletics: Swim & Dive home in the Swim Season Kick-Off at 5:30 pm (Swim RVA) Girls varsity basketball v. Southhampton at 3:00 pm at the Flint Hill Tournament (continues Saturday) (11:00 am dismissal) Boys varsity basketball v. St. Michael at 3:00 pm at the Sleepy Thompson Tournament at St. Stephens-St. Agnes (continues Saturday) (11:00 am dismissal)
T.I.T.A.N.S. in Action (Trustworthy, Intentional, Tough, Altruistic, Neighborly, Sincere): Caroline Featherstone Ms. Malcolm Keaton Gregory Ms. Jordan Mr. Clary Ms. Woodson Ms. Reid Madison Jewett Ford Foster Mr. Griffen Ms. Monaco Ms. Morris Bailey Lambert Charlotte Chafin
Happy Birthday! Pierce Riddle
Saturday: Leland Greenleaf & Aidan McCormick & Elizabeth Ray
Sunday: Evan Goldschmidt & Anne Curtis McNeer & Sean Hargan & Molly Heston
“As someone who wants to pursue a career in STEM, being able to have the opportunity to meet another woman who has made an impressive career for herself in STEM, is an inspiration for me,” said Madison Jewett ‘26