News Detail

Monday 10.31.22

-Chapel: Developing a Growth Mindset with Rasheed Wright 
-Huge thank you to all faculty/staff and students and parents who helped with the Admission Open House kick-off
-Q2 study hall assignments begin today--see email or contact Ms. Dunaway ( or Ms. Bartz ( with questions 
-Congratulations to varsity football on their victory and VPL championship and undefeated regular season 
-Congratulations to JV field hockey on their victory 
-Congratulations to varsity volleyball on their winning season and earning a homecourt advantage for the first round of L.I.S. tomorrow at 5:00 pm 
-Congratulations to varsity boys soccer on their victory and goals from all seniors on Senior Day and will host a home game for the VISAA state tournament 
-9th graders begin their program with Brenda Conlan tomorrow--see email for groups and contact Ms. Ballard with any questions
-Innovation lab open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and finishing rockets with a launch on Wednesday and Thursday and those with an innovation coin can redeem them today for a treat 
-Lots of exciting colleges visiting this week so please check the College Counseling Google Classroom calendar and sign up
-Tomorrow Natural Forensics is having a meeting about skulls and costumes
-Designs for Spanish Club t-shirt contest are due tomorrow-prize for the winner 
-Varsity boys basketball tryouts begin tomorrow after school on the track 
-Today is the deadline to sign up for the Richmond Forum lottery for General McMasters --check email with link

Happy Birthday!
Ben Schneider & Asher Atkins 

More Headlines

List of 15 news stories.


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