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Wade Jeffrey ’77 Encourages Academic Involvement

Trinity alum, marine scientist and microbiologist visits Trinity for a day of engaging lectures
In conjunction Homecoming Weekend 2017, Trinity welcomed Dr. Wade Jeffrey, a graduate of the Trinity class of 1977 back to Pittaway Drive. Dr. Jeffrey spent the entire day at Trinity, not only speaking to the entire assembled student body about discovering his own professional path, but also delivering engaging, interactive lectures to six classes in chemistry, biology, physics, environmental science and geology.
A marine scientist and microbiologist by training, Dr. Jeffrey is the director of the Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation at the University of West Florida, where he and his team are studying how sunlight, water and oil spills combine to influence microbial growth. “My work has revolved around ultraviolet radiation, which occurs just about everywhere on earth,” he said. “So we’ve been all over the world: the Arctic, Antarctic, the Pacific Coast coral reefs, the Poconos, France and Patagonia.”
Dr. Jeffrey noted that through studying biology, he sees evolution all around him, including in his own career path. “You’re going to change, so keep your mind open, keep your eyes and ears open for what you might want to do as you evolve through your career. Find that critical person in your life who is going to make a difference. You will find them and they will find you.”
“Listen, ask, volunteer and get involved,” he said. “The thing that will separate you from the same person that gets good grades is getting involved outside the classroom. I will bet you that 99% of what I know about science I didn’t learn in the classroom. I learned it by doing it. So get involved.”

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