Announcement Detail

Moving to mask-optional policy for faculty/staff/visitors

Currently, Richmond is in LOW Transmission, which allows Trinity to move to a mask-optional faculty/staff/visitor policy so long as the City of Richmond remains an area of low or medium transmission. Should Richmond move to higher transmission levels, new variants arise that demand a different approach, or our internal rates rise, we will follow the guidance of the CDC and VDH and adjust as needed.

If you are interested in learning more about this new guidance, please visit the CDC’s Data Tracker, which shows recommendations for individuals to follow in each of the three established levels (search first for our area, which is Richmond City, and then find the explanations contained in each of the three levels of infection).

For large group gatherings,  times when distancing is not practical, or we see a rise of infections in our community, Trinity may require masking. Please keep a mask handy for personal use when you visit campus. We enjoy having parents on campus as volunteers and visitors!