Announcement Detail

On-Campus IB/AP Exams: Updated Schedule & FAQ

As we approach the final quarter of an event filled year, our teachers and staff are actively planning towards holding IB and AP exams on campus, as we have done in years past. The exam schedule is viewable here (as well as from the "Calendar" page of the school's website. However, there are a few extra measures that we are communicating now that will help us with planning for these final ways of providing students with an assessment of their learning.
First, students should prepare to be on campus to take their exams, except in the case of mandated quarantine. Testing on campus affords students the best chance for success through:
  • A distraction-free, proctored environment
  • A testing model that students have practiced with their teachers in class
  • Testing that prepares students for similar exams in colleges and universities
Second, if a student is self-isolating due to their own or a family member’s high risk due to infection from COVID-19, we ask students to fill out this form and submit it before April 1. With the information provided on the form, we will be able to provide a separate testing area for those students, as we did during first-semester exams.
On Thursday March 18 at 7 p.m., Marti Truman, IB Diploma Programme Coordinator, and Lee Sprague, Associate Head of School, presented a webinar about IB and AP exams. Please click the link below to view a summary and list of FAQ taken from this presentation: