In a celebration of all things Trinity, Titans of all ages enjoy a festive Homecoming Week
Take a ton of Trinity tradition. Add a sizable spoonful of student spirit. Sprinkle in class competitions, reunion regalia, and top with family, friends and fun. From the first ingredient to the finishing touches, Homecoming Week 2023 had the recipe for success.
The SGA again sponsored a week of inter-class competition in games of luck and skill culminating with an unforgettable lip-sync battle at
Friday afternoon Pep Rally. With wins in the water balloon contest, giant Jenga and more, the class of 2024 ran away with the contest and earned the coveted Titan Cup.
On the evening of Tuesday, October 4,
alumni from the classes of 1975 through 1985 gathered to dedicate the new Dawson Commons building located behind the Academic Building. A welcome addition to campus, the building has significantly increased the amount of study and social space for all Trinity students. It was dedicated “In memory of Bob and Sally Dawson, who personified the community spirit of hospitality, service and dedication embodied by all Trinity founding families.” Representing the Dawson family,
Bob Dawson ’82 and
Amy Dawson Zoller ’82 thanked those in attendance as well as the support of those from the founding families who made the building's completion possible.
On Friday evening,
alumni, parents and friends gathered under the big tent in Dunn Courtyard for the annual Oyster Roast. Parents connected with fellow “classmates” with the help of the Trinity Parents Association and color coded leis for each grade. Special thanks to this year’s music sponsors, the band McVizzy, whose roots-rock ramblings kept toes tapping though the evening. Band members included
Aaron Israel ’88, Paul Sprenkle ’88 and
James Bruno ’88, all celebrating their 35th Trinity reunion together. The oysters were provided generously by
Drew Lucas ’98 and Tuckahoe Seafood.
Reunion class alumni from the ’3s and ’8s got a head start in the Academic Commons and the new Dawson Commons — reconnecting with friends, thumbing through old yearbooks and posing for reunion class photos. The prize for the largest turnout went to the class of 2018, celebrating their 5th reunion. Coming in a close second was the class of 1983, marking their 40th. [
see class photos here ]
The following morning, multigenerational Trinity families were invited to strengthen their bonds with the school at the inaugural Legacy Family Lunch prior to the Homecoming football game. There are now 58 current students with family ties to Trinity. Following the luncheon, alumni from the class of 1982 hosted a rededication of the
Laura D. Kelley ’82 Memorial Garden, located in Howerton Plaza, between the Perkinson Arts Center and the Estes Athletic Center.
The class celebrated a successful replenishment of the scholarship fund created in her honor four decades ago.
Prior to the 1:30 kickoff,
families gathered around Aycock Stadium, and the youngest alumni from the class of 2023 returned to pick up their copies of
The Shield yearbook, hot off the presses. Despite on-field challenges and a tough Rock Creek Christian opponent in the football game, the student section stayed active, led by the spirited tunes from the inimitable TES Pep Band, led by Trinity Athletic Hall-of-Famer Brian Rolllins.
Later that evening — for only the second time ever — students converged on Dunn Courtyard for an outdoor Homecoming Dance under the big tent.
Special thanks to the volunteers, staff, attendees and student leaders who teamed up to make 2023 Homecoming Week the best ever. Go Titans!